Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What's in a name?

People have asked me why I chose the blog name I did. My initial response was that I did not know and that I just liked the way it sounded. However, the more I have thought about it, the more I have come to realize that is sums up my life in the kitchen quite perfectly.

There might be a lot of things I do not have right now, but I do have thyme and I have a wooden spoon. 

These two things encompass so much more than simply being an ingredient and a kitchen utensil.

Thyme is not only a wonderful, sturdy, under-appreciated herb and a little goes a long way. In this case it also symbolizes time. Time spent creating recipes and dishes, time making meals and exploring food, time to be with my kids and my family, and time for me to be in my creative element in the kitchen. Though I might not always fully appreciate the time I do have, I am coming to realize that a lot of times a little goes a long way.

The wooden spoon symbolizes utility, comfort, tradtition, familiarity, durability, dependability, versatility, simplicity and beauty. I love wooden spoons, they are the perfect tool for so many things and they trumph a metal or plastic spoon any day in my opinion. They are comfortable to hold and use, and they most definitely play a crucial role in my kitchen.

Like I said, I might not have a lot of things, but I do have thyme and a wooden spoon.....

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written about the simple pleasures in life! And the perfect name for your blog :-)
