Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tips for Dealing with Someone Who Has Allergies/Dietary Restrictions if You Don't Have Allergies Yourself

Here are a few tips for anyone dealing with individuals with allergies. From an allergic person's point of view, it is always very much appreciated! 

For additional insight into allergies and diet restrictions, also check out my other allergy posts here and here.

Tips for non-allergic people 
when dealing with someone with allergies/dietary restrictions

1) Respect the person and their situation

You are not expected to fully understand the situation they are in, and you might find it strange, but they still deserve your respect.

2) Take the allergy/restriction seriously

A) Sometimes it is a matter of a sensitivity or mild allergy that causes some discomfort, or a mood/behavior change or some other relatively ‘minor’ reaction

B) Sometimes it is a matter of life or death, where the allergy is so severe it results in anaphylaxis and an ambulance ride to the Emergency Room

In most cases you don’t know which of the above scenarios it is, so always treat it as if it is B. Better safe than sorry!

3) Offer to help/accommodate

If you are hosting an event or a party it is always appreciated to be asked if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.

You are not expected to turn your whole menu upside down, but in some cases it may be as simple as skipping the pecans on the salad or having a non-dairy option for dessert.

4) Don’t get offended

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. Don’t get offended if the person says they will bring something they/their child can eat.

Also, don’t get offended if someone with a restricted diet brings something for themselves/their child even if you did not know about it in advance.
(See point #2b, they might just be keeping their child or themselves safe)

Most of the time people with diet restrictions do not want to be an additional bother, and they know how involved their diet can be.

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