So this may not seem like a big deal to most people, but it might just be a HUGE deal to me!
Here is the scenario:
Every morning I try to brush my oldest daughter's hair and get her ready for school or for the day.
Every morning her hair is one gigantic, tangled mess and I have no idea how it became like that.
Every morning we have a meltdown or a screaming fit or lots of lots of tears because my daughter is sooooo tender-headed.
Every morning I bite my tongue in a desperate attempt to try to stay calm (see challenge #5).
Every morning her hair still looks like a bit of a mess even after I have battled through the brushing and bows and elastics and so forth.
In other words, it is a whole lot of drama and very little to show for it! And, just for the record, I have tried tangle spray. However, it only kind of worked and oh-the-drama if we were ever out of it or it could not be found!! And little sister somehow always got a hold of it and tried to drink it or she poured it out, so it was not really worth it.
Well, this morning, thanks to my wonderfully not-quite-organized nature, I could not, for the life of me, find the hairbrush! I went on a frantic hunt but could not find it anywhere! And as a result, we were not only running late but we were also both rather tense and irritable. This of course did not help with the calm and collectedness needed in order to successfully execute this crucial and impending task; nor did it solve the gigantic frizzy ball of hair on the back of my daughter’s head! So, finally, I rummaged through my husband’s things in one last, desperate attempt to find some kind of device capable of tackling her tangled locks. And that is when I found what might turn out to be THE lifesaver of the century! I found his hairbrush!
Ok, so I do realize that this may seem very anticlimactic but you have to understand that this plain, black, no-fuss, not-cute, natural fibers hairbrush might just have saved two lives! I had very little faith that this brush might actually be up for the task at hand, but what was my option…send her to school looking like Cousin It’s disheveled twin?? So, with no other choice, I braced myself and reluctantly started brushing her hair. My palms were sweating, my teeth were clinched and my shoulders were tense as I was waiting for the ear-piercing screams and crocodile tears to start. But….nothing. Nothing! Not a peep! The brush was gliding through her hair, removing tangle after tangle, and she did not say a word! It was a miracle! Little did I know that what might be the magic key to a smooth hair-brushing experience had been within reach this entire time!
Needless to say, I will of course hold my breath tomorrow morning when I give it another try; but for now I will bask in the glory of the angelic hair-brushing experience we had this morning.
Just make sure your husband doesn't accidentally bring his hairbrush with him in the morning :-) looking forward to the sequel!