Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lentil Soup Kit for the freezer

A while back I posted a recipe for lentil soup in the slow cooker. Today I once again made a batch of this, but I also made several "kits" and put them in the freezer. I usually just make a gigantic portion of the actual soup and freeze it, but now my freezer is full so this worked out better. 

Lentil Soup Kit

Chop, in small dice:
- 1-2 large carrots
- 2 medium stalks celery
- 1/4 - 1/2 medium onion
- 2 slices bacon

Monday, August 25, 2014

Morning Person?

It is early in the morning when I am writing this and it is quiet at my house, therefore I decided to ponder for a bit....

I had a discussion with my husband the other day about being a morning person or not. We both agreed that, despite loving my sleep and usually waking up very last minute, I very functional pretty darn quick in the morning. If one of our kids wake up and cry for one of us, it takes only a few seconds before I am at their bedside. This may or may not be a mix of my mommy hearing, my ability to snap to it quickly and a wish and hope that if I am quick enough then maybe, just maybe, he/she will not wake the rest of the house. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spring has Sprung, Summer has Slipped Away and School is about to be in Session!

Yes, I know we all say the same things, but here goes.....Where did summer go???? I feel like it was just yesterday that school let out and the thermometer inched its way up and up and we got ready to tackle our summer "bucket list". 

Ok, so we do not have an official bucket list but I have a million things inside of my head that I think we should do, or places we should go. But, in all honesty, I think we did maybe a handful of those things...and that is even counting one of them twice! (We ate cupcakes from an actual cupcake place! Two times! Which might not seem like a big deal to most people, but to people with allergic children it is a relatively big deal :))

Back to the whole summer is gone concept....this year the summer ending is marking a brand new phase in our life. We are officially elementary school parents, and I am scared out my mind! I know this sounds absolutely silly, but I am convinced I am twice as nervous as my daughter who is way up there on the nervous-like-no-other scale. I told my husband that I think it is due to the fact that I did not grow up here and elementary school in Norway is very different than here (or at least it was when I attended it).