Monday, August 25, 2014

Morning Person?

It is early in the morning when I am writing this and it is quiet at my house, therefore I decided to ponder for a bit....

I had a discussion with my husband the other day about being a morning person or not. We both agreed that, despite loving my sleep and usually waking up very last minute, I very functional pretty darn quick in the morning. If one of our kids wake up and cry for one of us, it takes only a few seconds before I am at their bedside. This may or may not be a mix of my mommy hearing, my ability to snap to it quickly and a wish and hope that if I am quick enough then maybe, just maybe, he/she will not wake the rest of the house. 

Back to the whole morning person....what makes someone a morning person? I asked Google that very question and found an interesting article on that indicates, among other things, that "The vast majority of people are neither strong morning nor strong evening types -- just day types. Even though somebody will swear he's a morning person or a night owl, that's often a false perception." It also mentioned that simply because your lifestyle makes you stay up until the wee hours of the morning, that does not mean that you are a true night owl....the work you do at night might very well be lacking in quality, and you might also be working a lot slower than you would during your optimal time. 

Even though I do like to stay up, I can see how I might not be quite fit for doing work that requires precision, stamina and lots of brain power in the evening time. I can be up socializing, watching movies or even cleaning or cooking but you will not see me doing quantum physics at 11pm. Then again, you probably will not see me do quantum physics at any other time either :P 

On the other hand, if I look back at most days and start writing down what I actually did during the morning hours, there is a lot more on that list than the evening one. Ok, so none of the things are in line with quantum physics on this list either, but that is not because my brain is not capable of it in the morning, it is simply due to the fact that my day does not contain very many brain challenging activities. 

This presents me with a challenge....I am a social person and I need my "around-people" time. Most of the time that is in the evening, when either my husband is home or friends are off work. But, I also clearly work better in the morning and day hours and should tuck into bed early in order to take advantage of the lack of brain-fog in the wee hours. How do I find a balance between the two? If you are like me, how do you do it?

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