The other day at about 5 in the afternoon my 3 year old and 5 year old were running around the house burning off excess energy. They would start at the front door, yell "ready, set, go!" and take off running towards the fireplace. The first few rounds they did just that, running back and forth between the entry and the living room. However, after a while my 5 year old suggested they make it a running competition and my 3 year old gladly accepted the challenge.
Back at the front door, they lined up, yelled "ready, set, go!" and off they went!
Big sister ran as fast as she could towards the finish line and once she reached it she excitedly exclaimed "I got there first!!" A few seconds later she was joined by little sister who equally excited and with a huge grin on her face yelled "I got there after!"
This went on for at least a dozen or so times, and each time I would hear "Ready, set go!", then pitter patter of bare feet and finally "I got there first!" and "I got there after!"
As I stood there watching them I thought "What a winning attitude!" and I made a mental note that day to try to keep it in mind the next time I find myself in a competition where I am not really excelling.
Even though we might not always get to the finish line first, we can still "get there after!" :)
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